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can you get dependent on cialis

can you get dependent on cialis


Cialis Addiction

Cialis is not a habit-forming medication. Therefore, if a man continues to need to take Cialis in order to achieve an erection, it is not the same thing as having a Cialis addiction. It simply means that a man still has problems with impotence.

Can You Become Dependent on Cialis?

The short answer to this question is no. Cialis ® (tadalafil ) will not cause a man to become dependent on the medication. This is because Cialis is not an addicting or habit-forming medication. The long answer requires an understanding of the causes of impotence as well as how Cialis works.

Understanding Impotence and Cialis

There are many causes of impotence, including medical conditions (such as high blood pressure or diabetes ) and psychological issues. If a person's impotence is due to a medical condition, it is important to understand that Cialis will not improve the condition that is causing the impotence (such as high blood pressure ). In this case, it is likely that a man will continue to need to use Cialis. This does not mean he is dependent on Cialis; it simply means that he is continuing to have a problem with impotence.

Cialis does not cause any long-term changes in sexual function. It works temporarily to increase blood flow to the penis. This will not affect a man's ability to perform sexually in the future. In fact, if his impotence is related to performance anxiety about sexual activity, it is possible that Cialis might give him the confidence to overcome his problems with impotence.

Final Thoughts on a Possible Cialis Addiction

Men do not need to worry about becoming dependent upon Cialis. Cialis is not addicting and does not cause long-term changes in sexual function. While a man may continue to need Cialis to achieve an erection, this does not mean he is addicted. It simply means that he still has problems with impotence.

Written by/reviewed by: Kristi Monson, PharmD; Arthur Schoenstadt, MD

Last reviewed by: Kristi Monson, PharmD;

Will I become Dependent on Cialis?

I am a young adult and sometimes when i am expecting to drink a lot and be with a girl for the first time, I take a half of a Cialis to ensure i am able to become erect. I only do this around once a month. My question is, will doing what i am doing eventually lead me to become dependent on Cialis for erections?

Will I become Dependent on Cialis?

I am a young adult and sometimes when i am expecting to drink a lot and be with a girl for the first time, I take a half of a Cialis to ensure i am able to become erect. I only do this around once a month. My question is, will doing what i am doing eventually lead me to become dependent on Cialis for erections?

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